Bodhi Health Education's Profile

Bodhi Health Education

Business Category: Healthcare

Founding Year: 2013

Startup Stage: Revenue Generation

Support Required: Funding

Fund requirement (): 25000000

Structure of the Company: PVT Ltd.


Executive Summary: Bodhi Health Education provides technology-based medical education solutions for healthcare professionals. They have developed e-learning programs dissesminated through mobile technology to provide basic training solutions to healthworkers in rural India. The idea of the electronic learning solution is to educate semi-literate women and engage them through pictorial videos in regional languages. Their products include interactive eLearning modules, demonstration videos and gamification based products and they develop customized solutions in English, Hindi and local languages. Bodhi Health Education is aiming to create training platform on android based tablets and existing IT infrastructure at health centers and mobile phones available with health workers. The venture aims to train 60,000 frontline community health workers over next five years in India and developing countries in Asia and Africa.

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