Aquamen Fisheries Private Limited's Profile

Aquamen Fisheries Private Limited

Business Category: Agriculture

Startup Stage: Proof of Concept/Prototype

Structure of the Company: PVT Ltd.

Executive Summary: At Aquamen Fisheries Pvt. Ltd. we are cultivating soft shell crabs in the delta regions of Sundarban. Along with Soft Shell Crabs, we are also in the tradition cultivation system of other brackish water fishes. Soft Shell crabs are crabs with real shells to crack. Crab eating has become easier, overcoming all obstacles. Species of crabs cultivated is Scylla Olivacea, popularly known as Red Mud Crabs or Mangrove Crabs.

Market need: Extremely popular in Europe and South-East Asian countries, awareness building exercises need to be executed in India. Five-star properties are in the process of importing it. While elite eateries, coastal restaurants and clubs have started off-takes at an increasing level, we are already in conversation with institutional retail chains.

Product/Service description: Crabs without shells??? It's true!!! No more trouble in eating crabs. Soft Shell Crabs, which are boneless, can be eaten completely, without any difficulty. The moment the crab comes out of its old exoskeleton, it stays soft for a couple of hours before forming the new shell. It is during this phase, that the crabs are processed further. A healthy and tasty dish, crab eating is now a trouble free process – It is boneless and can be consumed completely using a fork and a spoon. A delicacy abroad, Soft Shell Crabs are immensely produced in other South-East Asian countries, like Thailand, China, Vietnam, Philippines, which are later consumed in their local markets and also exported to the West. With this huge possibility and solution of overcoming the hardships of eating crabs, soft shell crab is the future of crab eating in India.

Customers/Users: B2B: Restaurants, Coastal eateries, Five-Star Properties. B2B2C: Demographics: SEC A, A+. M&F, 18+ Psychographics: Foodies, Experimental Food Critics, Culinary Arts Passionate, Food Bloggers.

Revenue Model: In sequence as follows: 1) B2B sales 2)Indirect exports 3) B2B2C sales through retail chains 4) Exports 5) Domestic market penetrations 6) Cloud kitchen

Current traction: INR 15,00,000/-
