Enviome Research Private Limited's Profile

Enviome Research Private Limited

Business Category: Health & Welness Healthcare Internet of Things Technology

Startup Stage: Revenue Generation

Fund requirement (): 20000000

Structure of the Company: PVT Ltd.

Executive Summary: Sukumar Chakraborty, ISI Kolkata Arnab Majumdar, Boston University Siddharth Nobell, BBDNITM

Market need: Customer pain point & solution: 1. Unavailability of local pollution levels and information 2. The gap in pollution with Health connect insights 3. Unavailability of pollution less mobility and leisure options 4. Lack of reliable pollution prediction backed by data 5. Need for a more robust data-driven and analytical approach for policymaking

Product/Service description: Calcutta air quality index (AQI) is 131 and Mumbai AQI is 161, does it mean anything to us? Do you know when to go out for a walk in the morning or in the evening in winter or in summer? Cleair a smart intelligent hyperlocal air pollution monitoring, and assessment platforms answer all such questions in real-time, backed by data and not some preconceived notion. Join us for more such interesting data-backed insights visit and contact www.cleair.io

Customers/Users: Individuals Communities Government Enterprises Academic Research Organizations

Revenue Model: We would like to rapidly build the Cleair network. In the next twenty-four to thirty-six months, we plan to cover ten to fifteen cities in India creating hyperlocal information networks with the full analytics capabilities. While we are going to pursue projects from governments and public/private institutions in either revenue or PPP mode, we must scale up fast and would, therefore, look to raise funds to achieve this.

Current traction: We have done one project for the World Bank Group We have started a project with World Bank Group We are in the process of starting a project Bidhannagar Municipality for Pilot (Kolkata, India) Further, we are in initial discussions with projects in Chennai and Mumbai.
