GiftAbled's Profile


Business Category: B2B E-Commerce Financial Inclusion Services

Startup Stage: Revenue Generation

Structure of the Company: PVT Ltd.

Executive Summary: India has over 10 crore People with Disability. They are the most disadvantaged among the marginalised section of our society. Most of them are dependent on their families or meagre Government doles with hardly 1% of them meaningfully employed. The number of Persons with Disability looking for jobs is way more than the total organised sector jobs in our country. A significant proportion of Persons with Disability, whether affected by Physical or Mental challenges live in semi-urban or rural parts of the country. It is not feasible nor desirable for People with Disability to migrate to over congested cities for opportunities. The problem, GiftAbled is working on is mass Livelihood Generation and Sustenance for Persons with Disability.

Product/Service description: - Merchandise made with the support of People with Disabilities - Disability Sensitisation Workshops - Accessibility Solutions - Skiling & Health of People with Disabilities

Customers/Users: Corporate's

Current traction: 100% profitable growth