Jaiswal Dairy Pvt Ltd's Profile

Jaiswal Dairy Pvt Ltd

Business Category: Dairy

Founding Year: July'15

Startup Stage: Revenue Generation

Support Required: Funding

Fund requirement (): 175000000

Structure of the Company: PVT Ltd.

Executive Summary: Jaiswal Dairy aims to solve the problem of milk adulteration in the country by implementing the Farm-to-Home concept. It delivers fresh unadulterated milk to the end user within 3 hours of milking the cattle straight from its own modern dairy farm. The fresh milk is distributed through multiple retail outlets and a mobile milk ATM.

Market need: Milk being the most important and emergency product, the current market size of Ranchi itself is 500 thousand liter per day, where in the supply is met by neighboring state such as Bihar and West Bengal.

Product/Service description: Our Product is Fresh Milk and Milk Products.

Customers/Users: Every Individual who consumes milk in any form is our customer.Currently we have more than 700 Prepaid Customers.

Revenue Model: we generate revenue by sale of milk and milk products directly to the end users.

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