Aegipan Animal Biocare Private Limited.'s Profile

Aegipan Animal Biocare Private Limited.

Business Category: Biotechnology

Founding Year: 2018

Startup Stage: Revenue Generation

Support Required: Funding Mentoring Office Space Others

Fund requirement (): 15000000

Structure of the Company: PVT Ltd.


Executive Summary: Aegipan Animal Biocare Private Limited preserves quality germplasm of Black Bengal Goat to help poor farmers with animal husbandry as the Black Bengal breed of goat is known for its excellent quality of meat.

Market need: Reason for using our product/service. 1. As stated above, Inbreeding problems give rise to unhealthy breed with inadequate weight. This negatively affects the trade -- meat and dairy industry. Farmers have to travel long destination in search of good breed-able buck, therefore the farmers lose valuable time and money in this process. 2. Due to unhealthy and underweight the market value of Black Bengal Goat is going down therefore the livelihood of farmers are adversely affected and endangered. Now, by adopting- the service we provide, the goat owners/farmers have been benefited to a great extent, they do not require to go to distant places in search of good breed-able goats. Also due to this process healthy goats are obtained with adequate weight. The goat owners/farmers get better price and their livelihood has sustained and flourished. After being trained by us, the trained Artificial Insemination workers who are mostly the rural unemployed youths (male & female both) can also earn a monthly sum of Rs. 10,000/- (approx.) by providing the door to door mobile service of goat Artificial Insemination & treatments. Advantages of Lady Goat Artificial Insemination workers: 1. They can easily handle goats as they are small animal compared to cow. 2. Being a lady their acceptance is more in the household for Artificial Insemination process. 3. They can take this opportunity as a source of livelihood. Hence, considering the advantages as cited above, it has been proven that our service has a wide acceptance and many of them in different districts are using our services.

Product/Service description: In our farm we maintain pure Elite Black Bengal Bucks which are collected from many Govt. Institutions and are also certified of free from any sexually transmitted diseases. By the scientific process we collect the semen of these Black Bengal bucks which are then adequately frozen. Preserving the Germplasm of pure Black Bengal Goats is our main motto. Then by using cryogenic containers the Frozen Semen Dose are transferred to various distribution points in all the district of West Bengal. Our trained Artificial Insemination workers collect the Frozen Semen Dose according to their own needs & attempt the “call” from the female goat owners. A service charge is taken from the farmers. The owners of the farm houses in various districts collect this semen according to their need and by way of artificial insemination with pure black Bengal “Germplasm” breed and raise flock of healthy Black Bengal Goats. b. We are the only institution in Bengal that successfully implement the Goat frozen semen infield level in association with NDRI ERS.

Customers/Users: Now, by adopting the scientific, modern technology of Artificial Insemination - the service we provide, the goat owners/farmers have been benefited to a great extent, they do not require to go to distant places in search of good breed-able goats. Also due to this process healthy goats are obtained with adequate weight. The goat owners/farmers get better price and their livelihood has sustained and flourished. Having proven this…..more and more farmers will be using our product/service. In present scenario the goat rearing in village level is specially done by the ladies of a household. So if she maintains 10 goats then her annual income is about 60000/-. i.e. per month 5000/-. By introduction of Goat Artificial Insemination technique the income can be increased with the gaining of body weight. Hence the lady has a scope of earning and be self-sustained.
