NexConnect (NexConnect Ventures Pvt Ltd)'s Profile

NexConnect (NexConnect Ventures Pvt Ltd)

Business Category: Education

Founding Year: 2017

Startup Stage: Revenue Generation

Support Required: Funding Mentoring Office Space

Fund requirement (): 10000000

Structure of the Company: PVT Ltd.


Executive Summary: NexConnect Ventures Pvt Ltd is a social business venture seeking to address issues of exclusion by empowering communities and connecting them digitally. ( NexConnect is a unified digital teaching-learning platform that seeks to provide a quality learning environment to every child/student in both rural and urban areas. This online learning platform aspires to ensure holistic development of students by focusing on: Formal Teaching, Grandparenting or Mentoring, Vocational Training and Counselling. NexConnect links quality senior teachers, mentors and experts with students (children/youth) through low-cost affordable interactive on-line classes using structured audio-visual content to under-served children with the help of local entrepreneurs. Their vision is to address issues of exclusion and inequality in knowledge dissemination and educational attainment by fostering exchange of knowledge between generations. Currently they Are Covering five districts of Bengal and aim to reach 10 districts by end of the year.

Market need: The Indian education sector both in private and in public sectors are laced with the following issues- Poor Learning Outcomes and Lack of Holistic Learning Environment. Poor Accessibility to Good Teachers. Lack of proper teacher training and orientation. Disparity in Rural-Urban Teaching Standards. Lack of Uniform and Structured Teaching Learning Materials. Lack of Individual Care and Support for weaker students. High Cost associated with Good Private Education Providers. Quality Teachers , Content or Teaching-Learning Environment at all levels -academic, or vocational or mentoring are barely available to the masses. our products and services are there to provide solution to this vast and under-catered population.

Product/Service description: WHAT WE OFFER THROUGH OUR DIGITAL TEACHING LEARNING PLATFORM • One-to-One/ Classroom Teaching for School Students: Academic Subjects like English, Mathematics, and Science with Board-Specific Structured Digital Course Material. • Mentoring/Grand-parenting for Holistic Development: Stories and Poems, Music, Art and Crafts, Performing Arts, World Knowledge, Value Education. • Vocational training beyond School for Young Students: Soft skills, Entrepreneurship, Agro-based training, Computer basics, Banking and finance, Handicrafts, Costume designing. • Counseling By Experts: Career counseling, Psychological counseling, Medical counseling is provided as a free benefit only for rural people and can be used by NGO’s for a nominal amount. CONTENT- STRUCTURED TEACHING LEARNING MATERIALS Board specific content on formal subjects (West Bengal, CBSCE, ICSCE boards), structured into 80 sessions per subject per class (including class assignments and home works). Also, structured contents for vocational training and grand-parenting

Customers/Users: 1. School Children (Class I to X) who cannot afford high-cost school education or tuition (from rural, semi-urban and urban spaces) 2. Young adults (age range of 20 to 39) 3. Rural WSHGs (Women Self-Help Groups) 4. Rural population who have problems with regard to access to information and expert knowledge.

Revenue Model: Franchise Based –NexConnect Internet School: Local Micro-Entrepreneurs in rural and semi-urban areas will be developed and trained to host either large classroom based up to 25 students or small classroom of 3-5 students. The revenue will be shared on a 70 -30 basis where the platform charges and teacher salary will be included. Direct: one to one or multiparty (two/three) video conferencing from the students’ home. The students will pay per class or per month. Digital content: Teaching Learning Materials for schools. Schools can choose to purchase the entire content (class I to X) or in parts as per their requirements.

Current traction: 451 STUDENTS IN 7 CENTERS

Promoters' Information


Director (founding member)


Director (founding member)




